Friday, January 8, 2010

The Color Purple

The color purple represents a variation of shades between red and blue, whether pale lavender, deep purple, violet, or lilac.

Purple has varying symbolic significance to people. Some relate the color to suffering, while others embrace it. How you interpret purple depends on your own experiences and the cultural association with the color. Often, purple is considered the color of royalty and nobility, and it can also bear religious significance.

In recent years, we’ve seen more purple in fashion and design. Personally, I haven’t always been a big fan of purple- I used to associate it only with young girl’s rooms. Over time, I’ve grown to appreciate this color, especially in the lighter shades of lavender- so beautiful when it’s mixed with green, white and blue.

What are your associations with the color purple?

A brilliant dining area by Saladino

An exotic exterior 

The feminine touch of Mario Buatta
Intense but harmonious
Photo 1 Southern Accents on Color, designer Amelia Handegan, photography Pieter Estersohen
Photo 2 designer John Saladino, photography Antoine Bootz-cover of

 Photo 3 designer Nick Etherington –Smith , photography Andreas Von Einsiedel
Photo 4 designer Mario Buatta
Photo 5  New American Glamour, designer Jamie Drake, photography William Waldron


  1. Beautiful post - love the Saladino picture

  2. This is a wonderful post! Thank you! Such a gorgeous pictures!


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