Tuesday, May 11, 2010


When it comes to lighting a space, rooms usually need several layers of light, preferably through dimmers, in order to create a balance. One of these layers is task lighting, which is needed to illuminate the specific area used for a special activity such as reading, writing or grooming.
I have always loved swivel arm wall lights- they are flexible, classic, small-scale, and can be positioned wherever light is required, in any room of the house. I would like to share some images with you. Enjoy!

A section of a kitchen in a London apartment designed by David Hicks, photography by John Spragg

A bedroom designed by Robert K. Lewis, courtesy of House Beautiful, photography by Kari Haavisto

A living room designed by Jeffrey Bilhuber, photography by Trel Brock

Designer Charlotte Moss's library, courtesy of NYSD

A dining room designed by Albert Hadley, photography by John M. Hall

A pair of swing arm lights were mounted on each side of the mirror to eliminate shadows. Designer Roger Banks- Pye (Colefax and Fowler), photography by James Merrell

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