Friday, September 3, 2010

Art By The Yard

The impact of World War II brought changes into the post-war design world. Since color, materials, and patterns were limited during the war until the early fifties, the door was opened to artists and designers who were inspired by growing modernism to create an optimistic atmosphere through their work.

The Textile Museum in Washington D.C. is currently highlighting this optimism by displaying the work of British textile designers Lucienne Day, Jacqueline Groag, and Marian Mahler. These designers used abstract design, musical notes, bold colors, and flower motifs as an inspiration and created fabrics that certainly had a visual impact on mid-century interiors.

The Textile Museum located in Kalorama neighborhood

Herb Anthony 1956 designed by Lucienne Day in different colorways

Paper Dolls 1967 Jacqueline Groag was inspired by her own collection of dolls when she designed this pattern

The sophisticated patterns of Marian Mahler ca. 1952 , untitled

Photo 1 photography by Amal for Picture of  Elegance Blog
Photos 2,3,4 Women Design Mid- Century Britain, curated by Shanna Shelby, selected work from the collection of Jill A.Wiltse and H. Kirk browm III

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